On 20 April, learn how your colleagues boost all these processes

One of the four breakout conference tracks of Treasury 360° Nordic on 20 April – the “Boost the process” track – will feature no less than four case studies presented by the treasurers themselves. Register today (if you are not one of the 120 Nordic treasurers who have already done so as we are approaching Christmas).

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Click here to read more on the event website and sign up to take part in Malmö.

Setting up frameworks to manage commodities, energy and inflation risks, creating a new treasury, and putting up a payment factory … Treasury 360° Nordic on 20 April is where you learn how your colleagues did it.

Let’s just list these Track C headlines, as a teaser (then you can click your way to the agenda for the full session descriptions):


11:30 CASE STUDY from Vestas: Taking control of raw-material risk. Speaker: Thomas Skou Elgaard, Senior Specialist, Group Treasury.

12:05 CASE STUDY. Riding the inflation: How Ørsted mitigates the damages – and innovates new win-win solutions with clients. Speaker: Bogdan Izmaylov, Senior Lead Risk Manager, Financial Markets Risk.

14:00 CASE STUDY from Bolt. Creating a treasury – jumping on in the middle of the ride. Speakers: Group Treasurer Mahmoud Iskandarani and Treasury Manager Freek van den Engel.

14:35 CASE STUDY from TOMRA. Putting up a payment factory. Speakers: Elisabeth Elsom, VP, Head of Group Treasury, and Cristina de la Torriente, Solution Specialist.

On the event website you will find the names and faces of all speakers by clicking here. The track will be moderated by fellow treasurer Torodd Eeg-Olsen, Head of Treasury and Risk Management with Norwegian shipping company Klaveness Dry Bulk.

Yes, we know this track alone could have carried a full conference day … but then this is Treasury 360° Nordic so it is actually just one out of the four breakout tracks through the mid day. Check out the emerging agenda, and the continuously growing speaker list – and sign up to be with us if you haven’t already. With over four and a half months to go, 100 treasurers have already registered as delegates. Indeed, some come as teams. How about you?

As a corporate finance-function professional, such as a treasurer, we offer you to choose whether to attend the spectacular full-day conference and party in Malmö on 20 April, or to access the content digitally – both free of charge! So far, we even offer a number of tickets with your hotel room included so be quick to pick it up here!

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