“We have bonds maturing and I wanted to see the trends in funding”

For all the amazing sessions of the Treasury 360° Nordic conference, isn’t the coffee break where you get the chance to reflect and discuss how they relate to yourself? We asked Scandinavian Tobacco’s Poorva Dixit, Scanfil’s Juho Saarinen, and Vestas’ Stanka Jokanovic – all treasurers – about their experience of the day so far.

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Poorva Dixit, group treasury manager, Scandinavian Tobacco Group

“It’s really nice and I especially like that there are four different tracks and that you can choose and also switch in between them. It’s been really informative. Meeting people here, my peer group, talking to them – that’s also a part that I really like about this conference. There are many people who have come from all over.”

You mentioned that you like the tracks. Which ones did you go for?

“I started with C and then switched to B, and then switched to D, so I have been all around. Funding (Track B, Panel: Navigating a storm – How to ensure access to funding at a weather turn in the financial market) is most relevant, because we have bonds maturing next year and I wanted to see the kinds of trend happening in funding. New products, and market updates – that’s what I was looking for and that’s what I gained.”



Juho Saarinen, head of treasury and tax, Scanfil

“I’ve enjoyed it a lot. There are many vendors, many interesting presentations and topical discussions, so it’s been good. I’ve been shuffling between different tracks, but mainly participated in track C because it’s most relevant for me. We are developing our processes and are still lacking some capabilities that some other larger treasuries may have.”


Stanka Jokanovic, treasury lead specialist, Vestas

“It is extremely good fun to meet all the delegates, all the different companies, and all the different industries. It is interesting to see where we are in our treasury journey compared to other corporates on the same size. It’s almost like a competition in a way: We are here, they are there, somebody’s just beginning their journey …”

“It lets us see how can we improve and what is is out there. What kind of technologies are we not implementing? And what it is that we can do better.”

Is there something specific in your activity right now that you feel that you can gain input on?

“We have attended some interesting sessions, one on supply chain financing right now, for example. We have it in Vestas but may not be as well advanced as Volvo Cars, they’ve had their program for nine years. So implementing this type of sustainability-link program, into the supply chain financing, is one of the things that could be an option for us.”


Another coffee-break chat? Check out this one

• News around Treasury 360° Nordic 2023, on 20 April, is gathered here.
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
• For post-event access to recorded sessions, our video list will grow here.
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