Dance to this stunning soul band with your colleagues

Those who experience Stockholm-based 6-piece band Isaac And The Soul Company never forget it. Now you can be part of it too, at the Treasury 360° Nordic event on 9 June – just six nights after the band play their own concert at Stockholm’s Circus arena.

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Find the conference info site, and register, on
This article was updated on 12 May, as the band’s 3 June gig had changed venue. 

After a thoughtful conference day on 9 June, and the delicate dinner, let us all all travel to a completely different planet – dancing our heads and butts off in a burst of energetic soul euforia. The band will have performed their own gig at Stockholm’s Circus arena, only on 3 June! (The band’s website is here.)


As organizers of Treasury 360° Nordic we are guaranteeing a treasury event beyond any that you have previously experienced. It will be complete with the coolest case studies and keynotes, cross-Nordic panels and plenty networking – as well as entertainment on world class level. (Now, as if that would not be enough, we are still able to offer a free hotel room at the Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport for another lucky few so don’t delay to sign up if you haven’t already!)

The EACT Award winner is there – and you?

Then, as we recently mentioned in a separate post, Deutsche Bahn’s Gerd Berghold (pictured) is with us to speak in the conference program – as head of Europe’s officially most impressive treasury project in the past year. His Digital Treasury initiative is the reigning holder of the one-of-its-kind EACT Award, issued by the European Association of Corporate Treasurers.

The conference details

Treasury 360° Nordic takes place at Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport on 9 June 2022. We start on stage only at 9.45 so you can fly in just for the day unless you prefer to spend a night or two.
• Info site, with registration, speakers, agenda and practicalities – click here.
• Find our news site posts relating to the event by clicking here.
• Follow Treasury 360° on LinkedIn to stay updated – click here.

The Treasury 360° Nordic conference is hosted at Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport on 9 June – scheduled to enable treasurers from other countries to fly in just for the day (or stay the night at our expense!). If that still wouldn’t work out for you, you can take part via the web.

Find the conference info site, and register, on

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