You voted, now find treasurers’ pet action points ranked 1–57

Working capital, global cash pooling, and currency risk evaluation – these are all in the top-five as 56 treasurers have shared their priorities in our poll sent out on Wednesday 25 September. Even so, read on to learn which other two topics made the top top.

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Article updated 7 October, based on the number of responses having grown from 44 to 56.  

The engagement back from you, treasurers, has been spectacular! As we put together our poll across 57 listed niche topics, we were worried it could be a big ask. Yet, with 56 respondents, each ticking 15 boxes on average, the outcome is already a clear picture of what Nordic treasurers are currently concerned with.

Let us digest the insights and come back with a list of four topics for treasurers-only roundtable discussions, through a separate breakout track in the Treasury 360° Nordic 2025 conference, taking place in Stockholm on 22 May. We will draw heavily on the vote outcome, but may tweak headlines, combine some topics into one, or single out topics for keynotes rather than roundtables where suitable. You can sign up here to be among the 800-or-so delegates on site – free of charge for treasurers!


As you see, the “winner topic”, so far, is the in-house bank. Here’s the full list:

Rank Sub-topic Topic category Votes
1 The in-house bank Processes 32
2 Digitalising treasury – concrete choices and action points Technology 31
3 Currency risk evaluation Risk management 29
4 Global cash pooling Cash 28
5 Working capital – my key action points Working capital 27
6 How to boost cash flow forecasting with AI Cash 25
7 How I manage centralisation vs de-centralisation Business partnering 24
8 The keys to efficient skills development (existing staff) The human side 21
Prepping for market shocks Funding 21
10 Pobo / Cobo (“Payments/collection on behalf of”) Processes 20
My concrete steps to becoming a more strategic partner to the business Business partnering 20
Freeing staff time through automation Technology 20
Investing excess cash (operational and strategic) Cash 20
14 Actual to forecast – analysing the deviation to improve Cash 19
15 APIs in practice Technology 18
Setting up a new treasury Processes 18
Cash flow forecasting – my key action points Cash 18
18 Real-time visibility and real-time cash forecasting Technology 17
Data analysis Technology 17
Selecting the TMS Technology 17
Improving business management’s understanding of treasury Business partnering 17
22 ESG-coupled funding (e.g. “green” funding) Funding 16
How to deepen the treasury-to-business dialogue Business partnering 16
Managing geopolitical risks in practice Risk management 16
25 Collaborating with procurement to control currency risk Risk management 15
26 Payment connectivity standards (Swift Gpi / MT940 etc) Technology 14
Shared service centres – the pros, cons and challenges Business partnering 14
The keys to efficient onboarding The human side 14
Selecting a bank and managing the relation Processes 14
Improving treasury’s business/commercial understanding Business partnering 14
31 My best data management practices Technology 13
Cost transparency and business-wide understanding of total costs Business partnering 13
Developing my existing TMS and how we use it Technology 13
34 Fixing the work environment The human side 12
35 Asset liability management (“ALM”) Risk management 11
Digitalisation of trade finance documents Processes 11
Data quality and the action points to improve it Technology 11
Trade finance Supply chain 11
Global visibility Processes 11
40 Accounts receivable and payable Processes 10
Selecting a system vendor and managing the relation Processes 10
Manage-for-profit versus manage-for-cash – which mindset should guide us and when? Business partnering 10
43 Payment and collection policies and processes Processes 9
Strengthening the collaboration with the supply chain Supply chain 9
Managing process quality Processes 9
Sanctions Risk management 9
Improving global alignment Business partnering 9
48 Arguing for a larger treasury budget Business partnering 8
Inflation Risk management 8
50 Data flow integration Technology 7
Selecting a consultant and managing the relation Processes 7
52 Challenging the payments services suppliers Processes 6
Surfing (or surviving) the volatility Risk management 6
54 Supply chain monitoring Supply chain 5
Managing commodity risk Risk management 5
56 Collaborating with procurement to control price risk Risk management 4
57 Shared workforces Business partnering 3


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