Don’t do too much, too soon, in your new treasury job

VIDEO | Imagine taking on a new job, only to go on parental leave two days later. This was exactly what Kasper Christensen, Group Treasurer, Pandora, did when he took on his current role. But it’s not all bad because inaction is just as important as action when it comes to taking on new roles in the treasury space.

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It’s perfectly normal to step into a new job with ambitions of making big changes. But how do you balance having great ideas and wanting to get things done on one hand, and on the other, acknowledging that your understanding of the company is limited and perhaps the ideas are premature?

This was a question posted to the panel, which prompted Kati Vellinki, Head of Treasury, SSAB, to admit that she is impatient when it comes to implementing ideas in her new roles. The key, she said, is to observe your new environment before figuring out what should be prioritised and what could be done later. This is in line with what Kasper Christensen said earlier in the session about taking the time to build a network in your own team.


Nikolaj Enevoldsen, Group CFO, Lakrids by Bülow had a personal anecdote to share about patience. “Early in my career, I was told many times to spend a little more time listening and learning. It was only when I accepted the advice – much later in my career – that you can only get the balance right when you are confident enough to know that you don’t have the best answer yourself, and listening enough to find the right answer.”

The panellists were:
Kasper Christensen, Group Treasurer, Pandora,
Kati Vellinki
, Head of Treasury, SSAB, and
Nikolaj Enevoldsen, Group CFO, Lakrids by Bülow,
under moderation by Caroline Stockmann, Chief Executive ACT, Board member EACT and Deputy Chair IGTA


• News around Treasury 360° Nordic 2023, on 20 April, is gathered here.
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
• For post-event access to recorded sessions, our video list will grow here.
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