News from Treasury 360° Oslo on 27 May is gathered here.
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Mike Richards, of the Treasury Recruitment Company, led the chat with senior treasurers Kemi Bolarin of GTT Communications and Anthony Mercer of Mercer & MacRae.
Kemi Bolarin’s first reaction to working from home was one of relief: “Oh, I could save two hours of commuting to work!”
But as it sank in that it would be a matter of a half year, a year or more, that sank away.
“The novelty of it started to wear out,” she says.
“And my working hours became longer and longer.”
Limits had to be introduced, both on the personal and team levels. On a balance she views the work changes overall positive, though.
“I think the transition was a welcome transition. You can work remotely and still deliver on your goals.”
Offices could shut
Anthony Mercer started out “slightly ahead of the curve” – working in organization affected by the early restriction measures in Asia, and being on a split-location contract where many days were performed from home already.
“But I will never learn again as much as I have learnt during this time,” he says – also pointing out that many companies see the shutting of office spaces as a cost-saving opportunity.
Pay it forward
Before going into the panel, Mike Richard gave a short solo presentation, sharing a long list of concrete career networking tips with the audience. Following up soon on new contacts, and helping others on a pay-it-forward basis, were just two of them.