So precisely when do you need the consultant and the banker?

VIDEO | “Are consultants good value for money, Torben?” With his first question to a senior panel on competence sourcing in the Treasury 360° Nordic conference, moderator Simon Hesse Hoffmann cut straight to one of the core questions in terms of change management value-for-money.  

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Two corporates, a consultant and a banker walk onto a stage … It could be the start of a joke, and indeed the laughs were frequent as a highly senior panel discussed collaboration formats.

Having their fees challenged is obviously business as usual for advisory firms and banks. Yet, most corporates would admit there are moments when hiring them is just the right thing to do. The question is just when? And why? And how? And at what price?

The panel was made up of …
corporate treasurers Henrik G. Welch, Vice President, Group Treasurer,  Alfa Laval, and 
Mads Holm, Senior Vice President, Head of Treasury, Tax and Investor Relations, Equinor,
consultant Torben Winther, Partner, Deloitte, and
bank representative Aurelia Normand, Head of Global Transaction Banking CIB, BNP Paribas,
… all under rather active moderation by Simon Hesse Hoffmann, also presenter of the conference day as a whole.

While consultants can be a resource, Mads Holm emphasised how they also need to be matched by resources from the corporation’s side – firstly to guide the project and guarantee the compliance with the purpose, and secondly to capture the emerging know-how into the permanent organisation. And indeed, Aurelia Normand pointed out that a large part of her bank’s effort in many projects lie with training the corporate’s staff.


Henrik Welch stressed how it is key that you are precise about what service you buy.

“If you are not clear on the scoping and you push on the pricing, you are in trouble.”

Simon Hesse Hoffmann could relate to the situation.

“Many of us know that … if we have built a house, and didn’t count with the windows.”


• News around Treasury 360° Nordic 2023, on 20 April, is gathered here.
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
• For post-event access to recorded sessions, our video list will grow here.
• By the way … are we connected on LinkedIn already, as 1,200 pros are already? Follow us here.

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