Going green? Look at the practicalities first

VIDEO | A ten-year euro bond at a 0.5 percent coupon was one of the early successes as Finnish forest industry group UPM, after it recently started issuing green bonds. Funding director Marjut Artimo lined out her framework in the Treasury 360° Helsinki conference on Tuesday. 

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Even if many advantages can be gained from “going green”, Marjut Artimo emphasises that the decision first deserves a careful evaluation of pros and cons. The nature of the operations, the group’s funding strategy, the preferences of investors and promises of new markets must all be looked at.

“I would advise you to carefully think through the whole process,” says Marjut Artimo.


One of the question marks is how investors will value different green finance frameworks.

“And if you choose to go green there is a whole new language you need to learn.”

One of the many practicalities to be on top of, is making sure that data sources exist to fill in the blanks in your green bond reports. At UPM, the treasury function was able to help by interpreting what investors want to know. Cooperating with the audit team may well save time and costs.

• News from the 16 November Treasury 360° Helsinki 2021 conference is gathered here.
• Find the agenda and sponsors here.
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