Green finance panel, Oslo.

This is how far green finance has matured

Yes, investors are prepared to pay a premium for sustainable assets – but it doesn’t mean they will be easy to convince, so do your homework before you seek financing for your next green project. This panel in the Treasury 360° Oslo shone light on the issue from all perspectives. 

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“Providing a second opinion is very much about preparing companies for their meetings with investors. The investors are quite experienced now,” said Harald Francke Lund, CEO of Cicero Shades of Green, a company that performs such assessments of companies. 

In Thursday’s conference he shared a panel with 

Sven Erik Pløen, head of funding, Bane NOR


Cecile Moitry, BNP Paribas head of sustainable finance, and 

Jean Claude Berthelot, director of EMEA region sales of sustainable finance solutions, Sustainalytics. 

The session was led by Sander van Tol, a partner with treasury solution provider Zanders. 

Find the conference information here – and why not connect with Treasury 360° on LinkedIn.

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