[Minna Helppi was also interviewed in Treasury 360° Nordic 2024’s 68-page event magazine, downloadable here.]
Frequent acquisitions have been a central part of the group’s development, and as long as new units have been profitable, a lot of operational responsibility has stayed with themselves out there. However, in treasury, that brings a drawback, and Minna Helppi is now – for example – overseeing a drive to bring down the number of banking relations from the 300-or-so, and consolidating the treasury management system setup across the group. A lot of currently email-based processing could get more systematic, she reckons – but first of all the need lies in aligning the whole staff to share the understanding of their big picture.
She was interviewed on stage by SEB’s Harri Rantanen.
Don’t miss our own recent interview with Minna here (“To tap the power of tech, first look to the team”), also printed in our 68-page event magazine which is downloadable as pdf here.
• News from Treasury 360° Nordic 2024, at Copenhagen Airport on 23 May, is gathered here.
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• Find here the main conference website, with agenda.
• Download the 68-page event magazine here (including a packed 7-page agenda section).
• Many sessions appear in full as videos in the days or weeks after the event.