
A generational gap is not a problem, but an opportunity

VIDEO | “Many of us end up in treasury by accident, it seems,” says track moderator Jan Dirk van Beusekom as he looks at the audience poll outcome at the start of the panel discussion on Skills Through Generations, Part 2 – Young Treasurers’ Outlook at Treasury 360° Nordic. 

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The same experiences were shared by the panellists: Caroline Snorgaard, Treasury Analyst at Demant; Jozef Polak, Treasury Manager at European Energy; and Iina Haapasaari, Regional Treasury Manager at KONE. During the session, they offered fresh perspectives on the industry’s most pressing challenges and opportunities, discussing areas they believe need the most urgent improvement, based on their experiences as emerging leaders in the field.

Snorgaard mentioned that most people she talks to do not know what treasury is. How would she describe it, and why does she like it? “Cash is king; you always need to focus on cash. What sells it for me is that you have project-driven work and constant change, a big add-on from my perspective.”


All the panelists acknowledged a generational gap, but they don’t see it as a problem. “We are eager to learn from colleagues who are more experienced. It is not a problem but rather an opportunity”, adds Snorgaard.

Van Beusekom asks if the young treasurers have any tips to attract new treasurers. “Offering mentoring works really well. It can provide valuable guidance and help new treasurers make more informed decisions. Promoting the treasury field in academic programs is also crucial. “If we want to attract young people, we need to promote treasury at universities to increase its visibility,” said Snorgaard. Polak shares a tip for young treasurers themselves: “Taking on responsibility early on is essential. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and show curiosity,”

The session was moderated by Jan Dirk van Beusekom, Head of Marketing, BNP Paribas Cash Management, Trade Solutions & Factoring.

This is part 2 of a discussion about treasury skills through generations. Part one was about skills for senior treasurers. Check here for coverage of that session.


• News around Treasury 360° Nordic 2024, on 23 May, is gathered here.
• The conference info site, with detailed agenda, is here.
• For post-event access to recorded sessions, our video list will grow here.
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