
Greek spending scares bond markets again

Bond spreads are up 50 points, the head of the euro area’s crisis fund points out – as he warns Greece against announced alleviations for tax payers and pensioners which would have the country flunk its obligations.

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It has not even been a year since Greece came out of its Euro crisis bailout program, Bloomberg notes in its coverage of the possible revival of Euro-Greek tensions.


Through 2022 Greece is still obliged to maintain a 3.5 percent of GDP in budget surplus before interest payments, as a condition for its debt relief deal.

Despite this, Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has said that the budgets in the coming years will see the surplus at only 2.5 percent of GDP.


Expensive or cheap loan first?

Klaus Regling, who leads the euro area’s crisis fund, now warns Greece not to take the debt-relief requirements lightly.

One issue in play is whether governments in the euro area will allow Greece to repay on its more expensive loans to the International Monetary Fund early.

“It remains to be seen,” Klaus Regling says.

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